Therapy for Teens

Does life as a teenager seem like it feels overwhelming, confusing, and there’s a strong desire to stop being so stressed?

Being a teenager, as we all know, comes with so much pressure.

From friendship drama, to figuring out who we are and what we want to do with our lives, it can feel like a lot. There are also a ton of expectations set on us in that time from all different sources like parents and school and friends, and we don’t always learn how we’re supposed to juggle it all. Especially when we’re someone that usually people think has it all together, but internally we’re struggling, it can make us isolate, leading to feeling more lonely, more stressed, and so confused on how to make it better.

Whether it’s struggling in school, navigating friendship difficulties, learning to communicate our needs, or simply needing a space to talk things through, therapy offers a valuable opportunity to learn and grow.

In therapy, we get the chance to express what’s going on for us in a non-judgmental, neutral space, allowing us to open up and practice vulnerability and not feel so alone with everything we’re going through. Therapy can help set ourselves up for success in the future with practical skills and more self awareness of who we are and what we really need to feel fulfilled and happy.

Therapy is a space for teenagers to get support for what they’re going through and not be alone.

In therapy for teens, we’ll focus on:

  • Holding space to talk about stresses and struggles

  • Increasing communication skills to learn how to improve assertiveness and self-advocacy

  • Exploring values and identity to support on the journey of discovering one’s self

  • Improving self-esteem and awareness of personal strengths


  • I work with adolescents aged 13 to 17.

    After 18 they’re legally considered an adult, even if they’re still in high school.

  • Teen therapy often involves working with systems in place that the individual has less control over, like who they live with, the school they attend, etc. and learning how to thrive even when they don’t always have control over the circumstances. Caregivers may also have some involvement, depending on the teen, if deemed helpful by the therapist and teen.

    Individual therapy for adults rarely involves their childhood caregivers unless requested explicitly as a side session for a specific issue.

  • Adolescent therapy focuses on the teen as an individual. The therapeutic space and confidentiality is centered around them and what they want to work on.

    Family therapy works with all or certain members of the family unit with the goal to change the family system so it functions more cohesively. While I don’t provide family therapy, I am happy to provide referrals to therapists who do.

  • Once a child is 12 years or older, they have a right to confidentiality in therapy. This means that details talked about in therapy are not shared with parents in order to protect their privacy. Parents will get monthly overall updates through email about the teen’s progress and what they’re working on with only information the teenager has approved to be shared.

    If it seems helpful and the teen agrees, parents may also be invited to join certain sessions in order to work on specific issues that have come up that are related to the child parent relationship.

Are you ready to set your teen up for long-term success?